Reclaim Yourself

What I Want For You
I want you to find a safe space, where you can freely explore your feelings, identify your wants and needs, and have comfort in your life.
Coaching may be a new concept for you. You might be questioning what it is and how can it help. Maybe you’ve tried therapy, counseling, talking to friends, and you still find yourself needing more. Now might be the time to learn more through my Complimentary Discovery Intake Session. Let’s chat to see if coaching is right for you.
Or maybe you are familiar with coaching. Now is the time for you to take care of yourself. You are ready to find a space where you can acknowledge yourself and focus on these areas of your life. Now is your time. There are several different packages that allow us to meet and explore your needs.
Let’s meet to discuss what’s on your mind and walk this path together.

"Be the person you needed when you were younger" ~ Ayesha A Siddiqi
What does it mean to be a parent? It's a life filled with joy, love, happiness, pride, trust, fear, stress, worry, and so much more. As soon as your child is born you want to keep them safe from anything or anybody that may hurt them. Sometimes we are filled with joy, so proud to tell the world what our child has done. Our pages are filled with accolades and pictures of success.
Other times we wonder: how am I going to survive the mood swings, the yelling, the disrespect. Our kids are learning to spread their wings and find themselves, we are learning to walk this path with them and support them as they grow. It's not always easy, but no one ever said it would be.
“With persistence, a drop of water hollows out the stone.” ~Choerilus of Samos
We love being a parent, being with our family, spending quality time with the ones we love. We love going to work, building something outside of the house, using our minds to be well-rounded. We love our alone time, self-care, self-focused, self-love. These are just some of the roles we play in life. We want to give each our best, we want to give it our all, we want to succeed.
It isn't easy to choose where to focus. How do we decide between work, family, and self? Do we skip the play for the meeting with our boss? Do we go to yoga instead of another PTA meeting? Or, do we meet the deadline instead of having dinner with the family?
Whatever we choose, we feel guilty. If we go to work, we think 'what effect does it have on our kids?' If we stay home, we think 'what effect does it have on us?' If we take time for ourselves, we feel selfish. Why do we have to feel bad about making that choice? How can we find the balance to live our lives in harmony?

"If you possess enough courage to speak out what you are, you will find you are not alone." ~Richard Wright
As parents we want the world to see the beauty of our children. As our kids find their true selves, we are faced with finding their new selves. The boy we gave birth to is now the girl she always knew she was. It feels like there is an overnight change to clothing styles, love interests, and pronouns. It's difficult to keep up. We imaged one type of world for our child and it's all different now.
The love we have for our child hasn't changed, or maybe it has and we feel guilty about it. Are we struggling to understand all the changes? Maybe we are figuring out how to come to terms with the new normal, maybe we are fearful of what the world now has in store for our child. In the end, we just want them to be happy and healthy.
Social / Emotional
"The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of the world but those who fight and win battles that others do not know anything about." ~Jonathan Harnisch
If we are honest with ourselves, we've always known our child was different. They just didn't fit in. When we find out that our child has a diagnosis, there is a weird dichotomy of comfort and concern. Now we can put a title to it, ADHD, ODD, OCD, Anxiety, etc. We can look it up, do the research, find the right medication and doctor, explain it to others, explain it to our child and the family, we know what we are dealing with.
Now that we know, we ask ourselves, “Now what?”. How does the world see our child? Will they understand when he acts out because someone touched him, will she be able to control herself in public, will kids make fun of them because they have a staff following them in school, will they have friends? We feel helpless and misunderstood. We just want to be there for our kids.

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." ~Albert Einstein
You see the failing grades, she studies all the time but nothing changes. He doesn't want to go to school, he feels stupid. You question things, do you home school, get a tutor, keep them back a grade? What support does the school offer? Will anything help? Is there extra help in the class? Will that isolate them more? How can you be their advocate? How can you get them the help they need? You just want them to reach their highest potential.
Or maybe you have a gifted child or a 2E child? They excel in everything they do, honor roll, art, music, athletics, all around they are successful. With that comes the pressure to succeed, the anxiety of success, the difficulty with friendships, the fear of failure. How do you provide balance and support? How do you comfort through the fears? How do you model the strength so they can face every challenge? You hope they see their worth, as you do.
"Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. Between the ages of 12-17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years" ~ unknown.
From the moment we see that blue line on the stick, we are filled with love. We look to protect them, keep them safe. We image their lives, what they will look like, what they will be when they grow up. Then they are born. We cherish every gurgle, laugh, and burp. We spend hours just staring at them, really who needs a tv when you have a baby. They rely on us for 100% for their needs, and we are happy to give it. Then the terrible twos and the toddler years set in, now we only have about 90% control. Next thing you know you have an adolescent on our hands. Control goes to 80% as they start to figure out who they are with question after question. Then we have a tween and boom, control drops to 70% if we are lucky.
We will look back and cherish that 70% as we wake up one day and find there is a teen living under our roof. We wonder when that precious face we couldn’t get enough of became a smelly, opinionated, attitude-fueled teenager that thinks “No” is a full sentence. Where they once relied on us for everything, now we are just a bank, an Uber and a chef. We try to reach out, to reason, to support and to bond. But in the end, this is when we really start to sound like our parents, "No you are NOT going out dressed like that", "Stop sleeping all day", "When will you be home" "Turn the music down". We are down to 50% control, at best. It happens so fast, a mere 14 years, and we struggle to keep up.